Mar 6, 2015

Before He Was A Secret Becky Wicks

What's the book about:
“What if we can’t choose
Every battle we win and lose
What if we decided years before, to live this life, to fight these wars
And all the dreams we ever thought were ours
Were written in the stars”

Waiting tables isn't exactly what singer/songwriter Stephanie has in mind for her move to Nashville, but memories of the past and a case of writer’s block mean inspiration isn’t coming easy. When brooding pianist Conor Judge opens his mouth in a smoky bar he proves music can heal, and even help you re-write your story, but a history of his own means the one thing he starts to want most is always just out of reach. Stephanie. 

Enter Travis Flynn - an upcoming star who won’t take no for an answer, and a record label intent on helping Stephanie shine, without Conor. As fame comes knocking as hard as the ghosts of their pasts, it soon becomes clear that no matter how hard you might fall in love, having the perfect songs doesn’t always mean perfect harmony.

My thoughts on the book:
After appearing on a game show Stephanie moves to Nashville in hopes to follow a life long dream of writing music and singing and making it big. She is also running from something. Conor lives in Nashville and he has ton of secrets he's trying to hide. He's doing what he love he writing music and working in the family business. 
   Ok so I was not a fan of this book the book is very predictable and left nothing to hope for or anticipate. The first half of the book dragged and I kept hoping the book would pick up at some point. Just over half way through the book does finally get good, however it still is very predictable, but it does stay good the rest of the book. 

Where you can but the book:

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