Wealthy cowboy, James MacLachlan, is content running his massive family ranch and starting an equine therapy program for special needs children. After his mother died in childbirth, and witnessing his father’s destruction at the loss of true love, James sticks to casual affairs. Marriage and children are risks he won’t take.
Reese Turner visits Cypress Creek, Texas, to complete a photo assignment for National Geographic and buy back her grandparents’ cottage. After disastrous romances, she’s sworn off men to focus on her career. Marriage and the babies she longs for can wait. When she runs into an old flame, she decides she can live out a fantasy, then leave town to pursue her dreams.
But love doesn’t play by the rules...
My thoughts on the book:
This is a new author for me. When I first start this book I will say I was not thrilled. I felt like every book I seem to be reading, however I hung in there and that changed for me really quick and I really start to enjoy it and be drawn into the story. I really like Reese she's got a good head on her should she speaks her mind but she leads with her big heart on her sleeve. I liked James I felt like he had some growing up to do but he needs the right person in his life to help direct him in that path. The two together were just seemed natural relationship didn't seem forced. I adored James' grandparents they just seem to be what grandparents are made of. They really added a huge element to the story but played such a small part if that makes sense. I so want to read more about Finn from the get go I felt like I need to know more of his story. This book does have adult situations and language. Overall I would totally re-read this book again it was just that good. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."
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